What's Going On In Our Parish - Baptism this Sunday
TELP worship service each Sunday held at the St Andrew Church starting at 9.30am

Bible Readings for this week
June 09 — Bible readings
Psalm 138 - Of David.
John 1:1-14 - The Word Became Flesh
2 Corinthians 4:1-12 - Present Weakness and Resurrection Life
Upcoming Events
Click on the below to see more information and register your interest.
Darwin Kids Games (DKG)
Coming up on these next school holidays is Darwin Kids Games (DKG)! It is held during the first week of school holidays (June 24-28) for kids in Grades 3-6 from 8:30am-12:30pm each day and is packed with team sports, Bible teaching, drama and more!
If you have any questions or we can be of further assistance please let Matt or (Kylie Garrett) know! - mobile 0497 596 816 | main (08) 8945 4351 kylie.garrett@su.org.au | su.org.au
Please see the below flyer for more information.

VTMC—Upcoming Training Course
Victorious Ministry through Christ Training school
VMTC Prayer Ministry provides an avenue for this healing and growth to take place in a Christian’s life. We would like to invite you and your friends to the next training school in Darwin, details below.
When : 17-20 October 2024 Where : Club Tropical Fee : $270
Contact Ruschelle – VTMC - ntvmtc@gmail.com
Gather and Grow
Our studies on Pastor Noel's book, 'New Life, New Love'. Second part of this study has begun; Tuesdays at Helen Hage’s. 6:30pm, bring a plate of tea to share. Contact Helen Graetz on 0432 415 916.
If there is anyone else who would like to join us in a future one of these series of three sessions and would like to discuss things for a later time, please contact Helen Taylor at jim47@bigpond.com .
We pray for God to watch over and bless these discussions and ensure the Holy Spirit leads us to know him more.
Call Committee
Our Call Committee is now in a time of seeking and gathering information from a wide number of sources for a number of possible scenarios that may/could arise from this confirmed data. Once received it will be collated and used to form recommendations to take and discuss with the TELP membership.
Further discussions can be had.

June 09 Walking together with depression (Interview)
Vicki Rochow, a counsellor and mum, shares her experiences of walking alongside her children’s depression as well as her own.
Lutheran Media
Facebook Groups:
Worship Online & DVDs
To access online, DVD & CD worship services:
Let's Pray For...

* Bishop Andrew Brook
* Place your healing hands on our minds and our hearts.
* Our congregation members; heal their secret suffering, heal their emotional, mental, physical or spiritual pain/hurts.
* All those caught in areas of conflict.
* Our local and federal government.
* The decisions we need to make towards a sustainable future.
Contact & Banking Information
For all other contact information for all services within the Top End Lutheran Church, click the button below to be taken to the website contact page.
Top End Lutheran Parish | St Andrew | Good Shepherd |
BSB: 704 942 ACC: 100284027 | BSB: 704 942 ACC: 100106021 | BSB: 704 942 ACC: 100391745 |
A Safe Place For All...
A Safe Place The LCA has a strong policy on the prevention of Sexual Abuse. As part of this policy a free call number is available. This service is completely confidential, and advisors are trained to deal sensitively with those who seek assistance or information. Free call: 1800 644 628 Write: The Supervisor, PO Box 519, MARDEN SA 5070 |